how toHow to Order a Snapchat Event Filter

How to Order a Snapchat Event Filter

In this video, Chris Karasewich walk you through how easy it is to order a Snapchat filter for your special event.  When you're ready to order, click here to get started.  Step 1. Choose a Templat...

snap filtersIs Your Business Capitalizing on the Exclusive Snapchat Audience?

Is Your Business Capitalizing on the Exclusive Snapchat Audience?

Considering that on any given day, 46% of Snapchat users cannot be reached on Instagram, 61% can’t be reached on YouTube and 81% can’t be reached on Twitter, it becomes clear that Snapchat’s audi...

event marketingEmpowering Your Customers’ Voice

Empowering Your Customers’ Voice

Brands in the 21st century have been forced to constantly re-work their marketing strategy, as new technologies emerge and traditional platforms disappear. The problem that brands continue to fac...

Five Coffee Commandments of the Office

Five Coffee Commandments of the Office

1. Gotta Have It This may seem simple (or obvious) but an office without some bubbling brew isn’t really an office, is it? To prevent your coworkers from descending int...

snapchatFleeting Honesty: A Happy Look at Snapchat

Fleeting Honesty: A Happy Look at Snapchat

The smiley ghost we all know and love burst onto the scene in 2011. Born of a simple desire to send photos that would not be permanent, the app quickly garnered a large following. As of September...

snap filtersTimbits for Thought

Timbits for Thought

Tim Hortons is a Canadian staple, so much so, that the term “double-double” (a Tim Hortons coffee with two creams and two sugars) is now in the Canadian Oxford Dictionary. One of Tim Hortons produc...

snap filtersSweet Dreams: Friend TV

Sweet Dreams: Friend TV

It’s late at night, you’ve just snuggled into bed and the comforting embrace of the pillow and sheets envelops your body. You’re in a happy place. Not quite ready to fall into the deep folds of s...

snap filters“I’d like my Geofilter to cover my whole city, please!” – The Benefits of Audience Filters

“I’d like my Geofilter to cover my whole city, please!” – The Benefits of Audience Filters

Here at Geofilter Studio, we’ve created thousands of Geofilters for businesses looking to promote their product, service, or event. However, the Snapchat Geofilter platform didn’t come without its ...